Dog Agility Rescue League Rules 2024/25

General Rules – applicable to all

For general enquiries please email:
1. The league is open to all rescued/rehomed dogs.
2. For the purposes of these leagues a rescued/rehomed dog is classified as any dog not bought directly from a breeder where it is seen that the breeder has profited from the sale. It includes dogs from any rescue centre, pound, stray or rehomed dog. A rehomed dog qualifies if it is seen that the dog needed to be rehomed due to less than ideal circumstances in its original home.
3. The dog must be registered with the Kennel Club, A4A, or similar organisation, and who takes part in agility competitions in the UK.
4. The joining fee is £5 for the first dog and £3 for any further dogs.
Payments to be sent to:
PayPal: specifying friends and family
BACS: Lloyds Business Account
Dog Agility Rescue League
Sort Code:30-99-50
Account No: 44635663
Please reference “M” for Membership Payments or “F” for Finals Payments, followed by the league/finals year and your surname with membership payments. Example: “M2024 JONES”
Please follow up your payment with a supporting email to detailing the payment date, account holder’s name and the reference so that we can turn you active on the leagues.
5. The league will open at 9:00am on the 22nd December and close at 9:00am on the 21st December each year. (Results for the 21st of December may be backdated once the new year’s league has opened).
6. A dog may only be entered in ONE of the following league options:
 The Dog’s Graded League
 Anysize/Veterans League
 Veterans League
7. Points can be claimed from all open agility shows using standard UK agility equipment. (Please see KC Website for a list of approved equipment). This includes unaffiliated shows, but not 'club only' shows, matches, leagues or fun days.
8. Points can be claimed for all standard ‘singles’ classes, including *Championship qualifying rounds (but not the final), Helter Skelter, Steeplechase, Gamblers, Snooker, and special classes.
*Points may also be claimed for the A4A Masters individual rounds but not the COMBINED result.
Points cannot be claimed for: teams, trios, pairs, knockouts, finals or invitational events.
9. Placed points can only be claimed if a placed award (rosette, ribbon, certificate or card) is presented by the show, otherwise clear round points must be claimed for where a clear round is achieved with no placed award. Clear round points can be claimed even if clear round rosettes are not given by the show, but it must be within the course time.
10. Points are claimed for the DOG, so points CAN be claimed for when the dog is run by another handler, e.g. in the case of a dog being jointly owned and run, or in the case of injury to the main handler/owner.
11. There are three options to choose from when entering points; agility, jumping or steeplechase. Steeplechase consists of jumps and tunnels with no contacts or weaves. You must choose the correct discipline when entering points.
12. Faulted runs, including time faults, must be declared when entering results. The points for faulted runs will be automatically halved on the leagues compared with placed clear round runs.
13. The Owner is responsible for changing leagues if needed when starting the new league year.
14. The league is only available to enter online. It is the owners’ responsibility to enter points. Postal or email entries can be submitted in the event of experiencing problems with an online entry.
15. Points must be claimed within 30 days of the date of a show. Points will not be accepted after this deadline.
16. When claiming points, the show, date, class, place and whether it was a faulted run must be stated.
17. By registering your dog with DARL you agree to abide by these rules. Failure to abide by these rules may result in removal from the league/s with no refund.

    Specific League Rules

    Graded Leagues

    18. The dog’s graded league will be determined by the dog’s KC grade on the first day of the current league year. If the dog is within the KC “grace period” then you must enter your dog at the higher grade.
    19. The dog will remain in the league it starts in for the duration of that year, regardless of whether it has graded up in the year.
    20. Graded leagues are based on the dog’s KC measure. (So, if a dog measures Small for A4A but Medium for KC their graded league will be Medium).
    21. Graded league points may only be claimed where the dog is jumping at their KC height or a maximum of one height lower at A4A or independent shows (not including anysize/nursery/casual/veteran classes).

    Anysize/Veterans League

    22. If a dog transfers to 'anysize/veterans' classes during the year, please contact the administrator. (Please note that points will not be transferred from standard (progression) classes when a dog moves to this league).

    1. Points in this league can only be claimed for KC/A4A/IND anysize, allsorts, A4A casual, veterans or classes of the equivalent nature. Standard (performance) classes cannot be claimed. If no places are awarded by the show for the class, you can only claim for 'clear round' points if your dog went clear.
    2. Veteran dogs have the option of joining either this league or the Veterans League below but not both. Please read the qualifying restrictions in both leagues and choose which one to enter.

    Veterans League

    25. The Veterans league is ONLY for dogs who are 8 years old and over on the FIRST day of the current league year. You may enter all and any points obtained. This includes runs from anysize, veteran or graded; from KC, A4A and Independent shows. Restrictions for those points as previously stated still apply.

    1. Veteran dogs have the option of joining either the Anysize/Veterans League or this league but not both. Please read the qualifying restrictions in both leagues and choose which one to enter.

    Charity & Junior Leagues

    27. Named Charity and Junior (handlers under 18 years old) leagues are additional leagues to the above. You will only need to input your points once into the system – this will then populate the Junior and Charity leagues in which the dog is entered.

    1. The Junior league is only for runs where the dog has been handled by a handler younger than 18 years old.
    2. Charity leagues are determined by vote from members at the start of each league year. It is asked of members when voting for the charity leagues to only vote for the charity where their active rescued agility dog came from and also only vote if they are intending on joining the league for that coming year.

    If the number of entries into that league at the end of the year is less than those who voted, resulting in “healthy competition” between members not being able to be undertaken, DARL reserves the right to not allocate placings at the end of the year.

     Re-homer League

    30. As mentioned above, a rehomed dog qualifies if it is seen that the dog needed to be rehomed due to less than ideal circumstances in its original home.

    1. A dog within this league would not usually have come from a rescue charity originally.
    2. If a dog came originally from a rescue and was placed into a home, but needed to be rehomed from that home due to a change of circumstances, it is assumed that the dog would still be under the care of the original rescue. This is due to the fact that rescue charities will usually have a condition within their rehoming form that if there is a change in circumstances and the dog requires to be rehomed, then the dog will be returned into the charity’s care. It is therefore concluded that unless it can be shown otherwise, the dog has been rehomed from where it was originally placed, under the direction of that rescue charity and members should vote for that charity at the beginning of each year and not place their dog into the rehomed league.                

    Any points submitted that do not follow the above rules may result in the dog’s league entries being cancelled without a refund.

    These rules are subject to updates/change. Any updates/changes will be announced in the Dog Agility Rescue League (DARL) Official Facebook group.

    DARL is run by a Committee of dedicated volunteers:

    Lorraine Matthews: Chair 

    Bob Richards: Secretary

    Ian Hastie: Treasurer 

    Isla McIntosh: Social Media

    Karen Fuller: Website

    Any decisions will be made by the committee as a whole.

    We run the league in our spare time and work extremely hard to ensure that it is a pleasant and friendly space to visit and that members are able to attend an enjoyable finals each year. Please be patient while we deal with any enquiries. We want to keep the league as a welcoming place to come. Therefore, any abusive or bullying behaviour from any individual which is directed towards any member and is brought to the attention of the committee, may result in the removal of the aggressor from the league and the Facebook page. 

    If you have any queries, please contact


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